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    lyubomirb  34, Male, Florida, USA - 44 entries
Aug 2008
6:26 PM EST

being a mistake

������������ I stand here thinking how much different my life would have been if I was never born. I know I am not a bad person to hate myself, but there is much out there that I caused. Every life in the world has a tendency to push people away. Sometimes it brings them closer together. Taking the wrong path and making more mistakes. I know I can’t change the past and being alive has already happened. If I were to end my life, then I would be just another mistake. We take our chances based on our desires and love, it is something we simply can’t control. Putting one extra person like me in the middle of a crowd made it more uncomfortable, but having a dead guy would make everyone go crazy. You probably don’t understand what I am saying. I am only writing so that later I could come back to the past.

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